What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

SERVPRO of South Shasta County responded within an hour of me calling them to perform a Covid clean. My staff was impressed by the level of attention they gave to my building and attention to detail when they arrived back to work. 

Great people, great service!! 

Thank you so much for all your hard work. 


We had a major water emergency at 6 o'clock on a Friday evening. The entire ceiling of our living room crashed down along with A LOT of water. A family friend recommended I call SERVPRO of South Shasta. I was surprised that even answered the phone at 6pm on a Friday, let alone as how quick they showed up at our house. They were at my house within an hour. Cody and Arron were very professional and kind. They immediately began to get things cleaned up and was super informative about the whole procedure to start getting my floors dried out. Cody and Arron worked very late in to the night cutting out drywall and pulling down wet insulation. I can't say enough about how SERVPRO made an incredibly stressful situation much easier to handle. Highly recommend this company

Very satisfied with the professionalism and results

John, Cottonwood Ca

Cody was very knowledgeable and professional, friendly and helpful

James, Anderson Ca.

Cody was very knowledgeable and professional, friendly and helpful

James, Anderson Ca.

My Business Suffered a Fire which was traumatizing, not only as a business but personally. South Shasta SERVPRO eased my mine through the whole process. Thank you for all you did.
